

Olivier van Meer Naval Architect

About our Company



Custom Build

Our philosophy concerning sailing can be explained in just a few words.

Our goal is to create fast and ingenious yachts for master mariners which will turn heads in every port.

Up-to-date theoretical knowledge and advanced tools – such as tank and wind tunnel testing and advanced speed prediction programs – combined with extensive sailing and practical boatbuilding experience make it possible to achieve the ultimate goal: A comfortable, fast and safe sailing experience that is far above the average in every way.

An example of an issue often ignored on sailing yachts is ensuring that technical components and spaces are easy to reach and service. Thanks to our sailing experience, we make few concessions when it comes to engineering solutions for quick repair/ replacement, safe and workable technical spaces, and logical and redundant systems.

Puffin® Sailing Yachts

Puffin® is a registered trademark by Olivier  van Meer Design BV. Ever since the first boat in this range was launched in 1994, this totally new concept has been an inspiration to many designers and yards. Seaworthiness, a substantial deck saloon, broad deck spaces, unbelievable interior volume, one-of-a-kind looks – the Puffin range of yachts remains unbeatable for sailing performance, interior design and high-end finishing.

Thanks to constant updates to our engineering based on the experiences of our worldwide client base, Puffin remains far ahead in its total concept. The price/ quality ratio reflects the state of the art in detailing and custom construction. Exclusively built by VMG Yachtbuilders and sold by Puffin Yachts in Enkhuizen, the Netherlands, and with our constant personal supervision, the Puffin range is set to remain the Rolls Royce of sailing cutters for a long time to come.

VMG Yachtbuilders

Zaca sailing yachts

Zaca® is created and owned as a registered trademark by Olivier van Meer. It was the logical follow up on the successful Puffin® range and incorporates its specific elements, such as enhanced performance, extraordinary seaworthiness, broad interior space and unique centreboard system for draught reduction.These models are sold and built exclusively by Acico Yachts in Enkhuizen, the Netherlands. If Puffin® is the ultimate cutter yacht, Zaca® as the ultimate lady of the sea: Her elegance speaks for itself.


Motor yachts

Our motoryacht designs reflect our background. They are inspired by commercial vessels: Fishing boats, rescue boats, tugs, expedition ships, all built to a very high degree of construction and technical specification.

Our models are designed and built for real use. Each design is unique, individual and difficult to categorise. For motoryacht owners, the character of the boat reflects their personality. It is important to get the right boat for the right person.

In our latest designs, we concentrate on reducing CO2 emissions, achieving the most miles per gallon of fuel, lowering noise even further, and decreasing vibration, while continuing our non-stop search for optimum seaworthiness and systems that are easy to handle and service.


Living on Water


FLEXXLIVING® Introduction


Building Stones for endless flexibility

This versitile building stone concept is designed and engineered by Olivier van Meer Design BV, Wijdenes, The Netherlands, in close collaboration with Rolf Gast, Marina Dusseldorf, Germany, who is specific responsible for the Sales & Marketing of FlexxLiving®. 

The FlexxLiving® concept is based upon the measurements of a 40’ container; the FlexxLiving® unit.

The units can be connected and combined in almost any configuration.

The unit can be mounted on a floater (FlexxLiving® LakeSide) or the same floater is used as the units foundation on land (Country Side).

For a LakeSide floating unit a minimum of two units and floaters are necesarry. 


Launched Zaca 115' Melody

Launched Zaca 115' Melody

40,5 m Zacca 115' launched in Estonia. Designed by Olivier van Meer.
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Article Cruising Home

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Under construction: Renovation Traditional tall ship Restaurant 'Pollux'

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Olivier van Meer

Olivier van Meer Design B.V.
Zuideruitweg 66
1608 EX Wijdenes
The Netherlands

+31(0)653311089 (Olivier)


Chamber of Commerce  36043732
VAT no.: NL802949423B01 
IBAN no.: NL92 RABO 0317 3263 33     BIC no.: RABONL2U


Capt. Olivier van Meer is member of the Netherlands Society of Naval Architects (NBJA) 

and associated member of the Royal institution of Naval Architects (AMRINA)                                                                       


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General conditions NBJA:    

English  General Conditions NBJA.pdf

Nederlands  Algemene Regels en Voorwaarden NBJA.pdf       





